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Single Species Seed

Browse our extensive lineup of monoculture cover crop seeds.
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124 products

  • Intermediate Ryegrass (TetraMag)

    Intermediate Ryegrass (TetraMag)

    Tetramag intermediate ryegrass offers high forage tonnage with great feed value. This variety offers great tolerance. Use a stand alone grazing or haying forage or utilize in addition with alfalfa or clover to offer a diverse feed for livestock. Planting can be done with a drill or broadcast as long as good seed to soil contact is achieved.

    from $2.05 per lb

  • Turnip (Twister Hybrid)

    Turnip (Twister Hybrid)

    Twister is a rapeseed x turnip hybrid making it an excellent cover and forage crop. This is a great addition to any spring, summer or fall grazing mix. This hybrid turnip will produce a  highly palatable leafy green top sought after by livestock and wildlife alike. The foliage will quickly cycle nutrients if left to decompose. 

    from $2.50 per lb

  • Cereal Rye: Seed of Origin - KWS Serafino

    Cereal Rye: Seed of Origin - KWS Serafino

    Notice: This product may NOT be used for grain production, seed production, or mechanically harvested forage. Rye has an excellent fibrous root system that alleviates surface compaction. Rye can be successful planted later then almost any other cover crop due to its low germination and growth temperature requirements. Cereal rye is known for being the best cereal crop at retaining residual N. It's typical for a fall planted cereal rye crop to scavenge on average 25 to 50 lbs of N, with cases scavenging in excess of 100 lbs of N. The vigorous spring growth has successful weed suppression through competition and allelopathic chemicals. Rye can be terminated in the spring through the alternative methods of rolling, mowing, or crimping after boot stage. Rye will out yield any other cereal crops when planted in droughty, infertile, or sandy soils.

    from $0.27 per lb

  • Arrowleaf Clover (Yuchi) - ORMI Inoculated

    Arrowleaf Clover (Yuchi) - ORMI Inoculated

    Arrowleaf clover is a cool season, reseeding annual legume. It is a multiple purpose plant material that can be used for grazing, hay production, a wildlife food source, soil improvement and a winter cover crop. Forage quality is high with digestibility generally superior to crimson clover at all stages of maturity. Deer and turkey readily feed on Arrowleaf clover.

    from $3.25 per lb

  • Alfalfa (MVS 4220Q) - OMRI Inoculated

    Alfalfa (MVS 4220Q) - OMRI Inoculated

    This improved alfalfa variety from Mountain View Seed is bred for superior performance in yield, persistence, and quality. 4220Q is an excellent option for alfalfa growers across the country with high resistance to stem nematode and spotted alfalfa aphid, as well as resistance to pea aphid. This variety has a fall dormancy rating of 4 and a winter hardiness rating of 2.

    from $5.85 per lb

  • Rapeseed (Dwarf Essex)

    Rapeseed (Dwarf Essex)

    Dwarf Essex Rapeseed is known for it's quick growth and high palatability. This is a great option for livestock grazing mixes, food plots, and broadcast applied covers. 

    from $1.05 per lb

  • Organic Cereal Rye: Seed of Origin - KWS Serafino

    Organic Cereal Rye: Seed of Origin - KWS Serafino

    Notice: This product may NOT be used for grain production, seed production, or mechanically harvested forage. Cereal Rye has an excellent fibrous root system that alleviates surface compaction. Rye can be successful planted later then almost any other cover crop due to its low germination and growth temperature requirements. Cereal rye is known for being the best cereal crop at retaining residual N. It's typical for a fall planted cereal rye crop to scavenge on average 25 to 50 lbs of N, with cases scavenging in excess of 100 lbs of N. The vigorous spring growth has successful weed suppression through competition and allelopathic chemicals. Rye can be terminated in the spring through the alternative methods of rolling, mowing, or crimping after boot stage. Rye will out yield any other cereal crops when planted in droughty, infertile, or sandy soils.

    from $0.36 per lb

  • German Millet (Strain R) German Millet (Strain R)

    German Millet (Strain R)

    German millet is a warm season grass that can be planted earlier than sorghum sudan or pearl millet. Though it is not as productive as the aforementioned grasses, german millet makes a cost effective hay crop, ready for cutting about 55-60 days after planting. It does not have good regrowth which lends itself well to establishing the next crop without lingering competition after haying occurs.

    from $0.95 per lb

  • Meadow Brome (Fleet)

    Meadow Brome (Fleet)

    Meadow brome is a bunchgrass resembling smooth brome but behaving more like orchard grass, only with more drought tolerance. Like orchard grass, it has good regrowth and is one of the better grasses for stockpiling in winter, though it is still distinctly inferior to fescue for that purpose.

    from $4.05 per lb

  • Alyce Clover

    Alyce Clover

    Alyce clover is an excellent option for livestock and wildlife alike. Highly palatable and high yielding this plant provides excellent forage. Despite it's name alyce clover is not a true clover, but rather a warm season legume. This is an excellent option for summer forage, added to a warm season grazing mix, or as a wildlife food plot.

    from $5.05 per lb

  • Out of Stock
    Alfalfa (MVS Majestic) - OMRI Inoculated

    Alfalfa (MVS Majestic) - OMRI Inoculated

    Out of stock

    Majestic alfalfa is a Mountain View Seed variety bred for quality and yield. This is a great variety to use in areas with a hard pan and/or a high water table as it expresses branch root trait. The sunken crown makes it ideal for grazing situations and areas with harsh winters. Majestic comes with an excellent disease resistance package and is rated 1.5 for winter hardiness and 3.9 for fall dormancy. 

    Out of stock

    from $5.85 per lb

  • Chicory (Endure) Chicory (Endure)

    Chicory (Endure)

    Chicory is a deep rooted forb that goes great in many perennial pasture mixes. Because of its ability to reach many minerals in the soil, this is a highly nutritious grazing plant especially before it blooms with blue flowers. Chicory has natural deworming abilities adding to its benefits in perennial grazing systems where it should be seeded at a low rate for cattle but can be increased for sheep or other small ruminants.

    from $5.00 per lb

  • Spring Oats (Everleaf Falcon) - Certified

    Spring Oats (Everleaf Falcon) - Certified

    Everleaf Falcon spring oats are an improved variety of oats. Delayed heading and improved leaf density make this an excellent option for forage. These oats resist lodging, produce excellent tonnage, and provide high quality forage. The seeds are much darker than most oat varieties, maturing as a medium to dark brown seed. Everleaf Falcon oats should be used for grazing or any type of harvested forage. 

    from $0.35 per lb

  • White Mustard (Action)

    White Mustard (Action)

    Action white mustard is a superior white mustard variety known for its excellent nematode reduction properties. This variety is very quick to establish and forms lots of biomass in its early stages of life. Action mustard is very stable due to it's extensive root system making it well suited to strip-till situations. This mustard has a low likelihood of flowering so it will stay in vegetative stage for a longer period of time making it ideal as a grazing mustard. 

    from $2.50 per lb

  • Flax (Golden) Flax (Golden)

    Flax (Golden)

    Flax can be utilized in many small grain and corn rotations as a potential cover crop or fiber/oil crop. Compared to other common crops, overall nutrient demand is lower and very little nitrogen is needed. Vegetative growth normally requires 50 days before flowering occurs but after this flowering can last 2-4 weeks. Flax can be utilized as a green manure if terminated early enough but take caution if attempting to cut too late as lignin/cellulose content increase with maturity and would hamper decomposition. Nearly 95% of the water flax extracts from the soil is in the top 2-3 feet because of its shallow root structure. Water use is considered moderate with respect to other field crops, but flax uses about 3-4 inches less than soybeans. This is primarily due to the fact that the leaves of flax are generally numerous but leaf area is limited and thus ET is lower. As mentioned before, this species is an excellent companion crop next to other species in an early season mixture. Flax is generally a self-pollinated crop but pollinating insects are attracted to the various blue/purple colors of the flowers. Because flax is a broadleaf species, most diseases associated with it will not transfer over and cause infection to corn, soybeans, or wheat with the exception of powdery mildew and rhizoctonia after legumes.

    from $1.15 per lb

  • Out of Stock
    Organic Turnip Organic Turnip

    Organic Turnip

    Out of stock

    Note: This product is certified organic. Purple top turnips have been a staple grazing brassica for many years and are commonly used in late summer planted grazing mixes, often with a cool season cereal. Turnip bulbs are storehouses of nutrition and energy and are very valuable to winter grazers. 

    Out of stock

    from $2.88 per lb

  • Out of Stock
    Organic Radish Organic Radish

    Organic Radish

    Out of stock

    Note: This product is certified organic. Rapid fall growth in short windows, allows radishes to fit perfectly into a traditional corn and soybean rotation. Radish residue breaks down very quickly in the spring, leaving a clean seed bed until early April. The residue has been proven to inhibit small seeded annuals from germinating. Nutrients that were scavenged are readily released back into the soil for the subsequent crop. A field planted in radishes, will allow the soil to dry and warm faster in the spring. The large root channel left behind is rich in nutrients, allows tremendous water infiltration, reduces water erosion, and a path for crops roots to follow through compacted soil layers. During decomposition, radish biofumigates the soil which can reduce pest and nematode populations.

    Out of stock

    from $3.07 per lb

  • Out of Stock
    Organic Brown Flax

    Organic Brown Flax

    Out of stock

    Note: This product is certified organic. Flax can be utilized in many small grain and corn rotations as a potential cover crop or fiber/oil crop. Compared to other common crops, overall nutrient demand is lower and very little nitrogen is needed. Vegetative growth normally requires 50 days before flowering occurs but after this flowering can last 2-4 weeks. Flax can be utilized as a green manure if terminated early enough but take caution if attempting to cut too late as lignin/cellulose content increase with maturity and would hamper decomposition. Nearly 95% of the water flax extracts from the soil is in the top 2-3 feet because of its shallow root structure. Water use is considered moderate with respect to other field crops, but flax uses about 3-4 inches less than soybeans. This is primarily due to the fact that the leaves of flax are generally numerous but leaf area is limited and thus ET is lower. As mentioned before, this species is an excellent companion crop next to other species in an early season mixture. Flax is generally a self-pollinated crop but pollinating insects are attracted to the various blue/purple colors of the flowers. Because flax is a broadleaf species, most diseases associated with it will not transfer over and cause infection to corn, soybeans, or wheat with the exception of powdery mildew and rhizoctonia after legumes.

    Out of stock

    from $1.92 per lb

  • Out of Stock
    Organic Mancan Buckwheat Organic Mancan Buckwheat

    Organic Mancan Buckwheat

    Out of stock

    Note: This product is certified organic. Buckwheat is a fast establishing broadleaf that works great as a warm season cover crop. Buckwheat is also known for being a phosphorus scavenger. Which means it can take up more phosphorus efficiently than other plants. Being a short season plant around 45-60 days, it can still produce viable seed throughout the growing season. In a situation where the one plant is grazed it can drop a seed down to take that previous plant's spot to help prevent weeds. This plant while dropping and producing these seeds can also flower making it a great species for pollinators. 

    Out of stock

    from $1.22 per lb

  • Out of Stock
    Organic Crimson Clover Organic Crimson Clover

    Organic Crimson Clover

    Out of stock

    Note: This product is certified organic. Kentucky Pride is an improved variety of crimson clover selected for more cold tolerance and more production (taller, deeper roots, more basal leaves and more tillering) than varieties like Dixie. Kentucky Pride crimson clover is a very fast establishing clover.

    Out of stock

    from $3.05 per lb

  • Out of Stock
    Organic Hairy Vetch VNS

    Organic Hairy Vetch VNS

    Out of stock

    Note: This product is certified organic. Hairy vetch is one of the most winter hardy legumes. Being more winter hardy than common vetch, hairy vetch has the potential to withstand temperatures in excess of 5F with no cover. This species is known to have a great rooting system, with a tap root that will extend 1 to 3 feet into the soil profile. This taproot will allow the vetch to thrive even in dry conditions. When hairy vetch is placed into a mix, it can help bring the C:N ratio of the mixture down. This reduces the risk of nitrogen immobilization for the next crop.

    Out of stock

    from $2.95 per lb

  • Out of Stock
    Organic 4010 Spring Forage Pea Organic 4010 Spring Forage Pea

    Organic 4010 Spring Forage Pea

    Out of stock

    Note: This products is certified organic. Spring peas are one of the fastest growing spring legumes. Planted in spring after the harshest winter cold has passed, spring peas will tolerate some light freezing. Peas are commonly planted with oats as a high quality spring feed either for hay or grazing or even a green manure.

    Out of stock

    from $0.72 per lb

  • Out of Stock
    Organic Austrian Winter Peas Organic Austrian Winter Peas

    Organic Austrian Winter Peas

    Out of stock

    Note: This product is certified organic. Austrian winter peas are good companions to fall mixes, especially when combined with hairy vetch. If planted in early fall, there can be good growth for fall grazing as a protein source in the mix and they will grow much later into the fall than spring peas. In order to maximize winter survival chances, winter peas need to be planted relatively late (about the middle of wheat planting season) and deep, up to 3 inches. These conditions will help protect the growing point of the pea and assists in survival in colder climates.

    Out of stock

    from $1.00 per lb

  • Out of Stock
    Organic Rushmore Spring Oats (Certified) Organic Rushmore Spring Oats (Certified)

    Organic Rushmore Spring Oats (Certified)

    Out of stock

    Note: This product is certified organic. Spring oats are an excellent choice for quick ground cover in the spring or fall. Rapid growth aids in stabilizing disturbed or bare soil from environmental conditions. Spring oats make a great addition to any spring grazing or forage mix providing ample tonnage for your livestock. Oats can be easily chemically terminated and fall plantings commonly winterkill. Residue from oats suppress winter annuals and protect the soil throughout the winter and will decompose rapidly in the spring. Allelopathic chemicals released by the decomposing residue suppress weed germination for a few weeks. The high quality oat forage is more palatable than rye or wheat. Also, oat is less prone to insect problems than either wheat or barley. 

    Out of stock

    from $0.50 per lb

  • Out of Stock
    Organic Hazlet Cereal Rye Organic Hazlet Cereal Rye

    Organic Hazlet Cereal Rye

    Out of stock

    Note: This product is certified organic.  Cereal Rye has an excellent fibrous root system that alleviates surface compaction. Rye can be successful planted later then almost any other cover crop due to its low germination and growth temperature requirements. Cereal rye is known for being the best cereal crop at retaining residual N. It's typical for a fall planted cereal rye crop to scavenge on average 25 to 50 lbs of N, with cases scavenging in excess of 100 lbs of N. The vigorous spring growth has successful weed suppression through competition and allelopathic chemicals. Rye can be terminated in the spring through the alternative methods of rolling, mowing, or crimping after boot stage. Rye will out yield any other cereal crops when planted in droughty, infertile, or sandy soils.

    Out of stock

    from $0.36 per lb

  • Out of Stock
    Organic Elbon Cereal Rye Organic Elbon Cereal Rye

    Organic Elbon Cereal Rye

    Out of stock

    Note: This product is certified organic.  Cereal Rye has an excellent fibrous root system that alleviates surface compaction. Rye can be successful planted later then almost any other cover crop due to its low germination and growth temperature requirements. Cereal rye is known for being the best cereal crop at retaining residual N. It's typical for a fall planted cereal rye crop to scavenge on average 25 to 50 lbs of N, with cases scavenging in excess of 100 lbs of N. The vigorous spring growth has successful weed suppression through competition and allelopathic chemicals. Rye can be terminated in the spring through the alternative methods of rolling, mowing, or crimping after boot stage. Rye will out yield any other cereal crops when planted in droughty, infertile, or sandy soils.

    Out of stock

    from $0.51 per lb

  • Aberlasting Kura/White Clover - OMRI Inoculated

    Aberlasting Kura/White Clover - OMRI Inoculated

    Aberlasting clover is a cross between caucasian and white clover. The excellent and high quality forage from the white clover mixed with the persistence under extreme stress conditions from the caucasian clover make a very adaptable and hardy clover.

    from $6.60 per lb

  • Red Clover (Q Medium) - OMRI Inoculated Red Clover (Q Medium) - OMRI Inoculated

    Red Clover (Q Medium) - OMRI Inoculated

    With similar forage yields, crude protein and better digestibility when compared to alfalfa, red clover can be an excellent forage alternative to add to your operation. You can harvest your first cutting 60-70 days after a spring seeding and on every 30-35 day intervals after initial harvest. With its vigorous spring growth, this clover has the capability of suppressing weeds. Red clover is less invasive than white clover because of its shorter life span and the lack of rhizome or stolon rooting structures. It's deep taproot can extend up to 3ft into the soil profile and finer rooting structure in the top 5" can really aid in breaking up compacted soils. Red clover flowers are known to attract many pollinator and beneficial insect species. If P leaching is a concern, red clover has been observed to leach only 1/3-1/5 the amount of P as ryegrass or radishes. 

    from $3.55 per lb

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