Browse our extensive lineup of monoculture cover crop seeds.
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Single Species Seed
Buckwheat (Mancan)
Buckwheat is a fast establishing broadleaf that works great as a warm season cover crop. Buckwheat is also known for being a phosphorus scavenger. Which means it can take up more phosphorus efficiently than other plants. Being a short season plant around 45-60 days, it can still produce viable seed throughout the growing season. In a situation where the one plant is grazed it can drop a seed down to take that previous plant's spot to help prevent weeds. This plant while dropping and producing these seeds can also flower making it a great species for pollinators.
from $1.05 per lb
Sunn Hemp
Sunn hemp is an erect, tall growing legume with an anchoring tap root. The leaves are high in protein for grazing and especially popular with small ruminants like sheep, goats, and deer, but cattle will also eat the leaves. The stalk is very lignified making this a poor species to use in a hay mix.
from $2.00 per lb
Sweet Clover (Hubam White) - OMRI Inoculated
Hubam White Sweet Clover can produce up to 9,000 lbs dry matter per acre over a summer after being oversown into a grain crop or direct seeded with a spring grain nurse crop. While its taproot is shorter and more slender than that of its biennial cousins, it still loosens subsoil compaction. Annual sweetclovers work best in the Deep South, from Texas to Georgia as they are not frost tolerant. There, they establish more quickly than the biennial types and produce more biomass in the seeding year in southern regions.
from $3.85 per lb
Phacelia enhances soil N uptake, boosts soil organic matter with C, suits low to medium N soils for feed/hay. While forage yield is modest, it's palatable to livestock even at maturity. Best planting times: early spring or late summer (like alfalfa), but it blooms in spring planting and aids potassium availability.
from $4.35 per lb
Okra (Clemson Spineless 80)
Okra is a great way to add diversity to almost any mix. With a deep taproot and good grazing characteristics, above and belowground livestock will benefit from this plant. Okra also has excellent drought tolerance. It can be used in both warm and cool season mixes. Add okra to help break up compaction, build soil, and provide feed for animals.
from $2.30 per lb
Proso Millet (White)
Proso millet is one of the most drought tolerant and cost effective annual grasses. It is the shortest growing millet though it grows taller in the northern plains than it might in the central or southern plains. Heading out in less than 60 days, this is a great plant for game bird mixes.
from $0.70 per lb
Winter Lentil (Morton)
Winter lentils are a lesser used species but offer several benefits. Lentils are relatively low growing and modest in their growth however, they consistently overwinter in Zone 5B where winter temperatures can drop below -25 degrees F. Winter lentils can be added with winter cereals and other winter legumes to have a more diverse overwintering cover crop.
from $1.00 per lb
Chickpeas (Desi)
As the most heat tolerant of the cool season legumes, chickpeas offer a versatility that can be used in both warm and cool season mixes. Though not a great biomass producer, chickpeas are very drought tolerant and can help cover the ground in the midst of a summer drought. This taprooted plant can be used with grasses to add diversity and help break up compaction. As a legume, chickpeas will also fix nitrogen into the soil.
from $0.80 per lb
- Out of Stock
Winter Wheat (GA Gore Soft Red) - Beardless
The soft red winter wheat, an awnless variety, stands at a medium height with its moderate-strength straw. Its resistance to diseases and pests makes it a nice option as a winter cover crop for grazing, weed suppression, and erosion control.
from $0.32 per lb
- Out of Stock
Organic Mancan Buckwheat
Note: This product is certified organic. Buckwheat is a fast establishing broadleaf that works great as a warm season cover crop. Buckwheat is also known for being a phosphorus scavenger. Which means it can take up more phosphorus efficiently than other plants. Being a short season plant around 45-60 days, it can still produce viable seed throughout the growing season. In a situation where the one plant is grazed it can drop a seed down to take that previous plant's spot to help prevent weeds. This plant while dropping and producing these seeds can also flower making it a great species for pollinators.
from $1.22 per lb