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Single Species Seed

Browse our extensive lineup of monoculture cover crop seeds.
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27 products

  • Cereal Rye (Elbon) Cereal Rye (Elbon)

    Cereal Rye (Elbon)

    Cereal Rye has an excellent fibrous root system that alleviates surface compaction. Rye can be successful planted later then almost any other cover crop due to its low germination and growth temperature requirements. Cereal rye is known for being the best cereal crop at retaining residual N. It's typical for a fall planted cereal rye crop to scavenge on average 25 to 50 lbs of N, with cases scavenging in excess of 100 lbs of N. The vigorous spring growth has successful weed suppression through competition and allelopathic chemicals. Rye can be terminated in the spring through the alternative methods of rolling, mowing, or crimping after boot stage. Rye will out yield any other cereal crops when planted in droughty, infertile, or sandy soils.

    from $0.30 per lb

  • Radish (Nitro) Radish (Nitro)

    Radish (Nitro)

    Rapid fall growth in short windows, allows radishes to fit perfectly into a traditional corn and soybean rotation. Radish residue breaks down very quickly in the spring, leaving a clean seed bed until early April. The residue has been proven to inhibit small seeded annuals from germinating. Nutrients that were scavenged are readily released back into the soil for the subsequent crop. A field planted in radishes, will allow the soil to dry and warm faster in the spring. The large root channel left behind is rich in nutrients, allows tremendous water infiltration, reduces water erosion, and a path for crops roots to follow through compacted soil layers. During decomposition, radish biofumigates the soil which can reduce pest and nematode populations.

    from $1.55 per lb

  • Cowpeas (Iron & Clay) Cowpeas (Iron & Clay)

    Cowpeas (Iron & Clay)

    Cowpeas are one of the most popular warm season legumes. They love the heat, they tolerate drought, and they offer nitrogen fixation in a soil building mix, or higher protein in an annual grazing mix. Cowpeas have a long maturity which means when they are planted at the beginning of summer, they can achieve a lot of growth before temperatures cool down into fall.

    from $1.21 per lb

  • Radish (Smart) Radish (Smart)

    Radish (Smart)

    Green Cover Seed is proud to market the all new Smart Radish. It is bred specifically for the cover crop and soil health market. The variety has a trait for higher plant tillering to provide more leaf area and higher plant biomass than many other radish options for forage, soil, cover and green manure. Larger leaves mean more solar collection area to harvest the sun’s energy, and the smoother leaf means it’s better for forage and grazing.

    from $2.45 per lb

  • Okra (Clemson Spineless 80) Okra (Clemson Spineless 80)

    Okra (Clemson Spineless 80)

    Okra is a great way to add diversity to almost any mix. With a deep taproot and good grazing characteristics, above and belowground livestock will benefit from this plant. Okra also has excellent drought tolerance. It can be used in both warm and cool season mixes. Add okra to help break up compaction, build soil, and provide feed for animals.

    from $2.30 per lb

  • Cereal Rye (Hazlet) Cereal Rye (Hazlet)

    Cereal Rye (Hazlet)

    Cereal Rye has an excellent fibrous root system that alleviates surface compaction. Rye can be successful planted later then almost any other cover crop due to its low germination and growth temperature requirements. Cereal rye is known for being the best cereal crop at retaining residual N. It's typical for a fall planted cereal rye crop to scavenge on average 25 to 50 lbs of N, with cases scavenging in excess of 100 lbs of N. The vigorous spring growth has successful weed suppression through competition and allelopathic chemicals. Rye can be terminated in the spring through the alternative methods of rolling, mowing, or crimping after boot stage. Rye will out yield any other cereal crops when planted in droughty, infertile, or sandy soils.

    from $0.27 per lb

  • Japanese Millet Japanese Millet

    Japanese Millet

    In stock and ready to ship.

    Japanese millet, known for its quick maturity, usually offers a lower forage yield compared to other millet varieties. However, it stands out for its superior post-maturity palatability when compared to foxtail millet and its impressive regrowth capabilities. Additionally, Japanese millet exhibits remarkable resilience to waterlogged soils, thriving even in standing water, making it a valuable choice for enhancing duck habitat and nourishment in food plots.

    In stock and ready to ship.

    from $0.90 per lb

  • Florida Broadleaf Mustard (Shield) Florida Broadleaf Mustard (Shield)

    Florida Broadleaf Mustard (Shield)

    Mustard produces significantly more glucosinolates than other brassicas, which biofumigates the soil during decomposition, proving to be toxic to many soil pathogens and pests. If this is your goal than another mustard species should be utilized, since this cultivar isn't as suited for this purpose. Growing mustard in a potato rotation was observed to increase tuber quality and yields similar to that of chemically fumigated fields. Other documented effects of having mustard in your rotation is suppressing potato early dying and reduced root rot in pea rotations. Some customers are concerned that these mustards are difficult to control like their wild cousins but actually they can be easily terminated with many commonly utilized herbicides. Mustard forage is known for its ability to be utilized as a natural dewormer in grazing systems.

    from $2.30 per lb

  • Spring Lentil (Crimson) Spring Lentil (Crimson)

    Spring Lentil (Crimson)

    Lentils thrives in cool, dry conditions where they can remain relatively free of disease hence, they are commonly grown in the norther Great Plains. With a shallow rooting structure that doesn't have the ability to reach subsoil moisture, lentils are a great option in front of cereals or deep rooting crops. If excessive moisture is present during the growing season it will delay plant maturity. This will be excellent for producers who want to plant a summer fallow mixture where the mix can continue to grow under ideal conditions. Lentils are known for their ability to emerge through thick cereal stubble due to their strong seedling vigor. With rapid seed germination, seedlings generally out grow the threat of insects or disease pressure during establishment. Lentils can also house mycorrhizal fungi. Mature lentil straw can be an option for feed as it is much higher in CP, digestibility and palatability when compared to cereal straws.

    from $0.95 per lb

  • Switchgrass (RC Big Rock) Switchgrass (RC Big Rock)

    Switchgrass (RC Big Rock)

    RC Big Rock Switchgrass is a new late season variety of upland switchgrass developed from Cave-in-Rock. This is a native perennial warm season grass that is extremely productive, reaching 8 feet tall on the best soils of the Midwest. It also establishes faster than most native grasses because it has larger seeds with reduced dormancy and more seedling vigor. RC Big Rock can grow 2 ft tall in 2 months in the seeding year. This is a multi-purpose variety to be used for wildlife habitat, soil conservation, and forage throughout the greater Midwest where annual rainfall averages 30-50”.

    from $16.55 per lb

  • Brown Mustard (Kodiak) Brown Mustard (Kodiak)

    Brown Mustard (Kodiak)

    Mustard produces significantly more glucosinolates than other brassicas, which biofumigates the soil during decomposition, proving to be toxic to many soil pathogens and pests. To best utilize these glucosinolates, mature green vegetation should be turned into the soil. In no-till operations you will still benefit from having this species for this use. When allowed enough growing season, brown mustard stem residue can remain erect throughout the winter months, aid in capturing snow to help build moisture in the soil profile. Growing mustard in a potato rotation was observed to increase tuber quality and yields similar to that of chemically fumigated fields. Other documented effects of having mustard in your rotation is suppressing potato early dying and reduced root rot in pea rotations. Some customers are concerned that these mustards are difficult to control like their wild cousins but actually they can be easily terminated with many commonly utilized herbicides.

    from $2.50 per lb

  • Siberian Kale Siberian Kale

    Siberian Kale

    Siberian Kale like many other brassicas are a great addition to mixes for deep taproots to access nutrients and water deep in the soil profile. This deep taproot allows for following crop roots or water to go deep in the soil profile. The wide leaf and good palatability of kale works great in grazing mixes for livestock. A good cold tolerant brassica can last deep into the fall for good fall and early winter grazing.

    from $2.50 per lb

  • Sudangrass (Piper) Sudangrass (Piper)

    Sudangrass (Piper)

    Sudangrass is a super fast growing, fine stemmed warm season annual grass. If summer weed suppression was the goal, this would be one of the best species to accomplish that. Sudangrass is commonly crossed with sorghum to make sorghum-sudan which Takes the fast, tall growing, fine stemmed traits of sudangrass and combines it with the wider leaf and oftentimes higher forage quality of sorghum. For the best grazing digestibility, a BMR (brown midrib) sorghum sudan is usually used which has less lignin.

    from $1.50 per lb

  • Cucurbit Blend Cucurbit Blend

    Cucurbit Blend

    The cucurbit plant family includes plants like squash, pumpkins, and gourds. These warm season annual broadleaves are known for being viny which can be a very desirable trait to have in a cover crop blend. In the case of a row skip when planting or a troublesome soil spot in the field, nearby cucurbits will vine out to soak up the sun where nothing else is growing. These cucurbit fruits can also add nutrition to winter stockpile forage mixes as the cold weather softens their outsides and cattle learn to eat the seeds and fruit flesh.

    from $3.05 per lb

  • Triticale (SY TF 813 Triticale) - PVP

    Triticale (SY TF 813 Triticale) - PVP

    This product cannot be shipped to AZ or CA. 813 is a winter triticale variety adapted to the Southern and Central Great Plains. This triticale is awnletted meaning it has very short beards. 813 is a medium maturity, rust and wheat streak mosaic tolerant variety. It should be used for forage production and is known for excellent silage yields.

    from $0.33 per lb

  • Foxtail Millet (White Wonder) Foxtail Millet (White Wonder)

    Foxtail Millet (White Wonder)

    White wonder foxtail millet is used primarily for hay production. The stem is not as fine as Golden German Millet but it will get taller in height, approximately three feet, given adequate moisture. Expect to cut hay in approximately 50-55 days after planting. Windrow when heads begin emerging from the boot. Foxtail millet is also a great addition to summer grazing or wildlife mixes. 

    from $0.80 per lb

  • German Millet (Golden) German Millet (Golden)

    German Millet (Golden)

    German millet is a warm season grass that can be planted earlier than sorghum sudan or pearl millet. Though it is not as productive as the aforementioned grasses, german millet makes a cost effective hay crop, ready for cutting about 55-60 days after planting. It does not have good regrowth which lends itself well to establishing the next crop without lingering competition after haying occurs.

    from $0.80 per lb

  • Tall Fescue (Estancia) - Arkshield Coated

    Tall Fescue (Estancia) - Arkshield Coated

    Estancia is an erect leaf tall fescue that works great for winter stockpiling and has excellent drought tolerance. This grass maintains superior quality throughout the winter, often holding over 14% protein and above 70% digestibility. This grass also provides excellent forage for the spring and fall and will not pose any problems with endophyte toxicity. The novel or “friendly” endophyte in Estancia allows the grass to maintain a high level of toughness, but will not be toxic to livestock.

    from $4.10 per lb

  • Subterranean Clover

    Subterranean Clover

    In stock and ready to ship.

    Subterranean clover is an excellent addition to any perennial pasture mix. With it's excellent reseeding ability, even under heavy grazing pressure, this annual clover will persist for many years. The bulk of its growth occurs in mid-spring. It is tolerant of shade and low fertility. Use subterranean clover to add diversity to pastures, for weed suppression in gardens and in any other situation that requires a low growing legume.

    In stock and ready to ship.

    from $4.60 per lb

  • Tall Fescue (Teton II)

    Tall Fescue (Teton II)

    Teton II Tall Fescue is a high yielding, endophyte-free tall fescue variety suited for a multitude of environments. This tall fescue is deep-rooted, medium maturity, with excellent heat and drought tolerance. Learn more about Teton II Tall Fescue here. 

    from $5.10 per lb

  • Triticale (Forage FX 1001 Triticale) - PVP Triticale (Forage FX 1001 Triticale) - PVP

    Triticale (Forage FX 1001 Triticale) - PVP

    This product can only be shipped from our online store to NE, KS, OK, TX, WY, SD, MO, and IA. If you're in the Eastern ⅓ of CO, please call (402)469-6784 to order. Forage FX 1001 Triticale is a beardless, high yielding forage forage triticale which can produce great tonnage on dryland acres. Forage FX 1001 is also the most cold tolerant triticale we offer. The reduced awn expression makes this variety an excellent option for grazing or haying. With excellent forage yield potentials this variety gives you the tonnage and the quality you are looking for. Forage FX 1001 is known to produce high amounts of forage even in low rainfall environments such as the western Great Plains regions. 

    from $0.35 per lb

  • Cereal Rye: Seed of Origin - KWS Serafino

    Cereal Rye: Seed of Origin - KWS Serafino

    Notice: This product may NOT be used for grain production, seed production, or mechanically harvested forage. Rye has an excellent fibrous root system that alleviates surface compaction. Rye can be successful planted later then almost any other cover crop due to its low germination and growth temperature requirements. Cereal rye is known for being the best cereal crop at retaining residual N. It's typical for a fall planted cereal rye crop to scavenge on average 25 to 50 lbs of N, with cases scavenging in excess of 100 lbs of N. The vigorous spring growth has successful weed suppression through competition and allelopathic chemicals. Rye can be terminated in the spring through the alternative methods of rolling, mowing, or crimping after boot stage. Rye will out yield any other cereal crops when planted in droughty, infertile, or sandy soils.

    from $0.27 per lb

  • Organic Cereal Rye: Seed of Origin - KWS Serafino

    Organic Cereal Rye: Seed of Origin - KWS Serafino

    Notice: This product may NOT be used for grain production, seed production, or mechanically harvested forage. Cereal Rye has an excellent fibrous root system that alleviates surface compaction. Rye can be successful planted later then almost any other cover crop due to its low germination and growth temperature requirements. Cereal rye is known for being the best cereal crop at retaining residual N. It's typical for a fall planted cereal rye crop to scavenge on average 25 to 50 lbs of N, with cases scavenging in excess of 100 lbs of N. The vigorous spring growth has successful weed suppression through competition and allelopathic chemicals. Rye can be terminated in the spring through the alternative methods of rolling, mowing, or crimping after boot stage. Rye will out yield any other cereal crops when planted in droughty, infertile, or sandy soils.

    from $0.36 per lb

  • Out of Stock
    German Millet (Strain R) German Millet (Strain R)

    German Millet (Strain R)

    Out of stock

    German millet is a warm season grass that can be planted earlier than sorghum sudan or pearl millet. Though it is not as productive as the aforementioned grasses, german millet makes a cost effective hay crop, ready for cutting about 55-60 days after planting. It does not have good regrowth which lends itself well to establishing the next crop without lingering competition after haying occurs.

    Out of stock

    from $0.95 per lb

  • Out of Stock
    Organic Radish Organic Radish

    Organic Radish

    Out of stock

    Note: This product is certified organic. Rapid fall growth in short windows, allows radishes to fit perfectly into a traditional corn and soybean rotation. Radish residue breaks down very quickly in the spring, leaving a clean seed bed until early April. The residue has been proven to inhibit small seeded annuals from germinating. Nutrients that were scavenged are readily released back into the soil for the subsequent crop. A field planted in radishes, will allow the soil to dry and warm faster in the spring. The large root channel left behind is rich in nutrients, allows tremendous water infiltration, reduces water erosion, and a path for crops roots to follow through compacted soil layers. During decomposition, radish biofumigates the soil which can reduce pest and nematode populations.

    Out of stock

    from $3.07 per lb

  • Out of Stock
    Organic Hazlet Cereal Rye Organic Hazlet Cereal Rye

    Organic Hazlet Cereal Rye

    Out of stock

    Note: This product is certified organic.  Cereal Rye has an excellent fibrous root system that alleviates surface compaction. Rye can be successful planted later then almost any other cover crop due to its low germination and growth temperature requirements. Cereal rye is known for being the best cereal crop at retaining residual N. It's typical for a fall planted cereal rye crop to scavenge on average 25 to 50 lbs of N, with cases scavenging in excess of 100 lbs of N. The vigorous spring growth has successful weed suppression through competition and allelopathic chemicals. Rye can be terminated in the spring through the alternative methods of rolling, mowing, or crimping after boot stage. Rye will out yield any other cereal crops when planted in droughty, infertile, or sandy soils.

    Out of stock

    from $0.36 per lb

  • Out of Stock
    Organic Elbon Cereal Rye Organic Elbon Cereal Rye

    Organic Elbon Cereal Rye

    Out of stock

    Note: This product is certified organic.  Cereal Rye has an excellent fibrous root system that alleviates surface compaction. Rye can be successful planted later then almost any other cover crop due to its low germination and growth temperature requirements. Cereal rye is known for being the best cereal crop at retaining residual N. It's typical for a fall planted cereal rye crop to scavenge on average 25 to 50 lbs of N, with cases scavenging in excess of 100 lbs of N. The vigorous spring growth has successful weed suppression through competition and allelopathic chemicals. Rye can be terminated in the spring through the alternative methods of rolling, mowing, or crimping after boot stage. Rye will out yield any other cereal crops when planted in droughty, infertile, or sandy soils.

    Out of stock

    from $0.51 per lb

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