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Single Species Seed

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123 products

  • Berseem Clover (Frosty) - OMRI Inoculated Berseem Clover (Frosty) - OMRI Inoculated

    Berseem Clover (Frosty) - OMRI Inoculated

    Berseem clover is a Mediterranean type that is salt tolerant, nitrogen fixing, and does well on light textured, sandy soils. Compared to other varieties of berseem clover, Frosty is later maturing, more cold tolerant, more productive, and has greater nutritional value. Frosty berseem clover can be overseeded into thinning stands of alfalfa as it looks very similar (before it blooms white) and it has excellent regrowth after cutting. For more information on Frosty berseem clover visit https://frostyclover.com.

    from $3.85 per lb

  • Brown Mustard (Kodiak) Brown Mustard (Kodiak)

    Brown Mustard (Kodiak)

    Mustard produces significantly more glucosinolates than other brassicas, which biofumigates the soil during decomposition, proving to be toxic to many soil pathogens and pests. To best utilize these glucosinolates, mature green vegetation should be turned into the soil. In no-till operations you will still benefit from having this species for this use. When allowed enough growing season, brown mustard stem residue can remain erect throughout the winter months, aid in capturing snow to help build moisture in the soil profile. Growing mustard in a potato rotation was observed to increase tuber quality and yields similar to that of chemically fumigated fields. Other documented effects of having mustard in your rotation is suppressing potato early dying and reduced root rot in pea rotations. Some customers are concerned that these mustards are difficult to control like their wild cousins but actually they can be easily terminated with many commonly utilized herbicides.

    from $2.50 per lb

  • Sesame Sesame


    Sesame is a warm season broadleaf that is normally grown for the oil content of the seed. It is one of the oldest cultivated plants and has been grown by people for over 4,000 years. Sesame loves hot weather and can grow with very limited water as well as being fairly tolerant of low pH soils. Sesame can grow 5-6 tall and will put on bell-shaped, white and purple flowers late in the season which makes it a great addition to a full season pollinator mix. Sesame has little to no forage value as livestock will not graze it, but it can still be a good addition to a grazing mix so there is some taller standing structure after the cattle have grazed the paddock.

    from $2.15 per lb

  • Sweet Clover (Yellow Blossom) - OMRI Inoculated Sweet Clover (Yellow Blossom) - OMRI Inoculated

    Sweet Clover (Yellow Blossom) - OMRI Inoculated

    Yellow blossom sweetclover is not a true clover but is probably more closely related to alfalfa. Sweetclover leaves look much like alfalfa, but the margins of alfalfa leaflets are serrated only on the tips. Sweetclover leaflets are serrated around their entire margin. It is typically a biennial, grows 2-6 feet high, and as the name implies, produces yellow flowers. When compared to the white flowering types of sweetclover, yellow blossom blooms roughly 2 weeks earlier and also matures earlier, usually grows less upright, possesses finer stems, and is less productive and less winter-hardy. However, yellow blossom sweetclover persists better in pastures and tolerate adverse conditions better than white varieties. In temperate climates with mild summers it can survive and thrive through a second year of production. Yellow blossom sweetclover adds lots of nitrogen and organic matter to a system.

    from $3.75 per lb

  • Siberian Kale Siberian Kale

    Siberian Kale

    Siberian Kale like many other brassicas are a great addition to mixes for deep taproots to access nutrients and water deep in the soil profile. This deep taproot allows for following crop roots or water to go deep in the soil profile. The wide leaf and good palatability of kale works great in grazing mixes for livestock. A good cold tolerant brassica can last deep into the fall for good fall and early winter grazing.

    from $2.50 per lb

  • Sudangrass (Piper) Sudangrass (Piper)

    Sudangrass (Piper)

    Sudangrass is a super fast growing, fine stemmed warm season annual grass. If summer weed suppression was the goal, this would be one of the best species to accomplish that. Sudangrass is commonly crossed with sorghum to make sorghum-sudan which Takes the fast, tall growing, fine stemmed traits of sudangrass and combines it with the wider leaf and oftentimes higher forage quality of sorghum. For the best grazing digestibility, a BMR (brown midrib) sorghum sudan is usually used which has less lignin.

    from $1.50 per lb

  • Alsike Clover - OMRI Inoculated

    Alsike Clover - OMRI Inoculated

    Alsike clover is a perennial that thrives in low lying ground. For pastures or meadows with poor drainage and occasional water logging, this would be the first clover to try. Growing 2-4 feet tall with pink flowers, this adds a pollinator attracting and nitrogen fixing species to perennial pasture mixes. It should be considered that alsike clover can be toxic to horses.

    from $4.05 per lb

  • Radish (Nematode Control) Radish (Nematode Control)

    Radish (Nematode Control)

    Nematode Control Radish possess a unique mechanism for nematode management. They release a specific biochemical compound from their roots, which prompts cyst nematode eggs to hatch prematurely. Subsequently, these nematodes adhere to the radish root, but struggle to acquire sufficient sustenance. Since radishes lack the nutrients essential for their survival, the nematodes either perish or fail to reproduce. Nematode-controlling radishes are selectively bred to optimize control over specific nematode species, offering an effective solution for managing nematode populations.

    from $2.60 per lb

  • Cucurbit Blend Cucurbit Blend

    Cucurbit Blend

    The cucurbit plant family includes plants like squash, pumpkins, and gourds. These warm season annual broadleaves are known for being viny which can be a very desirable trait to have in a cover crop blend. In the case of a row skip when planting or a troublesome soil spot in the field, nearby cucurbits will vine out to soak up the sun where nothing else is growing. These cucurbit fruits can also add nutrition to winter stockpile forage mixes as the cold weather softens their outsides and cattle learn to eat the seeds and fruit flesh.

    from $3.05 per lb

  • Arugula (Roquette) Arugula (Roquette)

    Arugula (Roquette)

    What is usually known as a salad green, arugula can also be used in cover crop mixes. Arugula is a dense, low growing brassica other than its white flower when it bolts. The bitter taste and smell of arugula is an indication that the glucosinolates give it a natural biofumigant use similar to mustards. Arugula is a very long season plant and if spring planted will stay green late into the fall.

    from $2.25 per lb

  • White Clover (Stamina Intermediate) - OMRI Inoculated White Clover (Stamina Intermediate) - OMRI Inoculated

    White Clover (Stamina Intermediate) - OMRI Inoculated

    White Clover is an excellent choice for a perennial clover. The Stamina variety was developed to be more heat and drought tolerant than most other white clovers. Being a legume this plant can cause bloat, but rarely when it is in a mix with grasses. White clover is also a great choice for areas that have saturated soils.

    from $6.05 per lb

  • Pearl Millet (Exceed BMR)

    Pearl Millet (Exceed BMR)

    Pearl millet is among the best grazing or haying millet varieties. Exceed BMR Pearl Millet also offers the BMR trait allowing the animal to better digest the plant for optimal nutritional efficiency to the animal. Pearl millet is very adaptable to its growing environment with great tillering allowing for more forage and better ground coverage with less seed.

    from $2.40 per lb

  • Sorghum Sudan (Super Cover)

    Sorghum Sudan (Super Cover)

    Super Cover is an excellent sorghum sudan for anybody looking for a high carbon, warm season grass to help prevent erosion, build soil, and even catch snow if left through the winter.

    from $1.15 per lb

  • Triticale (SY TF 813 Triticale) - PVP

    Triticale (SY TF 813 Triticale) - PVP

    This product cannot be shipped to AZ or CA. 813 is a winter triticale variety adapted to the Southern and Central Great Plains. This triticale is awnletted meaning it has very short beards. 813 is a medium maturity, rust and wheat streak mosaic tolerant variety. It should be used for forage production and is known for excellent silage yields.

    from $0.33 per lb

  • Sorghum Sudan (Endurance Aphid Tolerant BMR Dwarf)

    Sorghum Sudan (Endurance Aphid Tolerant BMR Dwarf)

    Endurance aphid tolerant BMR dwarf sorghum sudan is bred for short stature and high digestibility. Don't mistake shorter stature for less biomass, though. The dwarf trait simply shortens the length in between the leaves, called the internode length, while still growing the same number of leaves. The shorter plant makes it easier for livestock to graze and utilize efficiently.

    from $1.65 per lb

  • Foxtail Millet (White Wonder) Foxtail Millet (White Wonder)

    Foxtail Millet (White Wonder)

    White wonder foxtail millet is used primarily for hay production. The stem is not as fine as Golden German Millet but it will get taller in height, approximately three feet, given adequate moisture. Expect to cut hay in approximately 50-55 days after planting. Windrow when heads begin emerging from the boot. Foxtail millet is also a great addition to summer grazing or wildlife mixes. 

    from $0.80 per lb

  • Winter Camelina Winter Camelina

    Winter Camelina

    Winter Camelina is the most cold tolerant brassica with the ability to overwinter in most areas. This brassica grows a small rosette in the fall and then grows upright after winter dormancy. This is a good brassica to add to later planted fall mixes in cases after fall harvested cash crops. Camelina can be a great addition ahead of spring cash crops with its ability to scavenge nitrogen and phosphorus.

    from $2.38 per lb

  • German Millet (Golden) German Millet (Golden)

    German Millet (Golden)

    German millet is a warm season grass that can be planted earlier than sorghum sudan or pearl millet. Though it is not as productive as the aforementioned grasses, german millet makes a cost effective hay crop, ready for cutting about 55-60 days after planting. It does not have good regrowth which lends itself well to establishing the next crop without lingering competition after haying occurs.

    from $0.80 per lb

  • Orchard Grass (Devour)

    Orchard Grass (Devour)

    Orchardgrass is a bunchgrass that regrows well through the summer and fall compared to most cool season grasses. New varieties such as Devour are much more drought tolerant and less susceptible to rust. As a result these varieties can be used in the Central Plains with good success. Orchardgrass is commonly seen in the wetter climates of the Eastern US and is a favorite among horse owners.

    from $3.55 per lb

  • Hairy Vetch (MT)

    Hairy Vetch (MT)

    Hairy vetch is one of the most winter hardy legumes. Being more winter hardy than common vetch, hairy vetch has the potential to withstand temperatures in excess of 5F with no cover. This species is known to have a great rooting system, with a tap root that will extend 1 to 3 feet into the soil profile. This taproot will allow the vetch to thrive even in dry conditions. When hairy vetch is placed into a mix, it can help bring the C:N ratio of the mixture down. This reduces the risk of nitrogen immobilization for the next crop.

    from $2.70 per lb

  • Small Burnet

    Small Burnet

    Small burnet is a deep-rooted forb that offers good grazing year round. This well establishing perennial can compete well with existing perennial stands. A great addition to perennial stand in more dry and arid environments.

    from $5.35 per lb

  • Tall Fescue (Estancia) - Arkshield Coated

    Tall Fescue (Estancia) - Arkshield Coated

    Estancia is an erect leaf tall fescue that works great for winter stockpiling and has excellent drought tolerance. This grass maintains superior quality throughout the winter, often holding over 14% protein and above 70% digestibility. This grass also provides excellent forage for the spring and fall and will not pose any problems with endophyte toxicity. The novel or “friendly” endophyte in Estancia allows the grass to maintain a high level of toughness, but will not be toxic to livestock.

    from $4.10 per lb

  • Out of Stock
    Dutch White Clover - OMRI Exceed Pre-Coat Inoculated

    Dutch White Clover - OMRI Exceed Pre-Coat Inoculated

    Out of stock

    Dutch white clover, a true perennial, is the most widely-grown clover in the United States. White clover is widely adapted and can often live for several years. It can be found growing naturally from the Arctic Circle to all parts of the temperate regions of the world. It is quite tolerant of traffic and a natural spreader. This grazing ability is achieved by its high seed production (reseeding) and an extensive network of creeping stems called stolons. Dutch white clover is extremely tolerant of heavy grazing and shade. 

    Out of stock

    from $4.40 per lb

  • Meadow Brome (Champaign)

    Meadow Brome (Champaign)

    Meadow brome is a bunchgrass resembling smooth brome but behaving more like orchard grass, only with more drought tolerance. Like orchard grass, it has good regrowth and is one of the better grasses for stockpiling in winter, though it is still distinctly inferior to fescue for that purpose.

    from $4.55 per lb

  • Red Clover (Blaze) - OMRI Inoculated Red Clover (Blaze) - OMRI Inoculated

    Red Clover (Blaze) - OMRI Inoculated

    With similar forage yields, crude protein and better digestibility when compared to alfalfa, red clover can be an excellent forage alternative to add to your operation. You can harvest your first cutting 60-70 days after a spring seeding and on every 30-35 day intervals after initial harvest. With its vigorous spring growth, this clover has the capability of suppressing weeds. Red clover is less invasive than white clover because of its shorter life span and the lack of rhizome or stolon rooting structures. It's deep taproot can extend up to 3ft into the soil profile and finer rooting structure in the top 5" can really aid in breaking up compacted soils. Red clover flowers are known to attract many pollinator and beneficial insect species. If P leaching is a concern, red clover has been observed to leach only 1/3-1/5 the amount of P as ryegrass or radishes. Learn more about Blaze Red Clover here. 

    from $3.55 per lb

  • Perennial Shortgrass Blend

    Perennial Shortgrass Blend

    A mix of Canada bluegrass, sheep fescue, creeping red fescue and chewing fescue, this mix offers a great blend of grasses for your lawn, garden, or any sort of perennial mix.

    from $4.95 per lb

  • Fenugreek - OMRI Inoculated Fenugreek - OMRI Inoculated

    Fenugreek - OMRI Inoculated

    Out of stock

    Fenugreek is not commonly known in the US, but we think it should be. This legume is commonly used in pastures and haying situations. It is known for its livestock health benefits including promoting reproductive and digestive health. In fact some of the top soil scientists in the world recommend adding fenugreek to every livestock diet. This plant looks similar to clover with flowers resembling common peas. As a warm season plant, fenugreek loves sunlight and heat and makes a great addition to any warm season mix for its grazing and N-fixing characteristics.   *Please note this is NOT food grade seed and is NOT recommended for human consumption.

    Out of stock

    from $1.70 per lb

  • Annual Ryegrass (Centurion) - Diploid

    Annual Ryegrass (Centurion) - Diploid

    Extending the grazing season while protecting and building the soil is a great benefit of this species. The biomass N content can range from 1.3-2.4% and varies depending on the amount of residual N left from the previous crop. Reports of annual ryegrass having the potential to scavenge up to 200 lbs of residual N/A/yr have been recorded. Ryegrass can be very successfully broadcast into established row crops. Winter killed ryegrass can still provide weed suppression, soil protection and trap residual N until spring. Ryegrass attracts very few pest insects that could pester the next crop. With lower needed seeding rates per acre means you will spend less of freight an your applicator can remain in the drill or in the air longer. I like the deep roots of annual ryegrass but when considering it for more northern area, it must be established prior to hard freezing in order to have the best chance of winter survival. 

    from $1.00 per lb

  • Winter Barley (P919) - Beardless

    Winter Barley (P919) - Beardless

    Barley has relatively low water usage compared to other cover crop species, especially during earlier growth stages. Under poor fertility conditions, barley would be a good choice and can help render P & K available for your next crop. Barley provides a good feed quality grain that can be harvested 2-3 weeks earlier than wheat which then allows your double crop/cover to be planted sooner. Compared to oats, barley produces more tillers and vegetation that will remain erect longer after termination. Carbohydrates known as monosaccharides are excrete through the roots to feed the soil biology and barley has been observed to release more monosaccharides than even alfalfa.

    from $0.40 per lb

  • Subterranean Clover

    Subterranean Clover

    Subterranean clover is an excellent addition to any perennial pasture mix. With it's excellent reseeding ability, even under heavy grazing pressure, this annual clover will persist for many years. The bulk of its growth occurs in mid-spring. It is tolerant of shade and low fertility. Use subterranean clover to add diversity to pastures, for weed suppression in gardens and in any other situation that requires a low growing legume.

    from $4.60 per lb

  • Sorghum Sudan (Cattle Cover BMR MS)

    Sorghum Sudan (Cattle Cover BMR MS)

    Cattle Cover offers game-changing combination of agronomics and yield. High digestibility, great palatability, and strong disease package for overall good producibility. First-in-class sugarcane aphid tolerance. Agronomics and maturity makes it a strong hybrid for hay production and grazing.  Being a male sterile it can be used where you do not want the possibility of volunteering.    

    from $1.70 per lb

  • Persian Clover (eNhance) - OMRI Inoculated Persian Clover (eNhance) - OMRI Inoculated

    Persian Clover (eNhance) - OMRI Inoculated

    Every aspect of this plant supports its reputation for excellent forage quality. Mature stems are soft, hollow and have thin structural plant cell walls, leading it to be more digestible than red clover or alfalfa. Some common forage tests boast CP 16-21% and IVDMD 63-78%. Not to mention, studies have show persian clover to be more palatable than rape, alfalfa, fescue or perennial ryegrass. High productivity during March- April, provides excellent regrowth potential following grazing or the ability to support two spring hay cuttings. Given the right circumstances, one could expect persian clover to naturally reseed and be redistributed by wind/water via its very mobile, light weight, seed pods. Spring flowers are known to also attract flower flies, which larva are a leading predator of aphids. Learn more about eNhance Persian Clover here. 

    from $3.60 per lb

  • Perennial Ryegrass (Remington PLUS NE2 Endophyte) Perennial Ryegrass (Remington PLUS NE2 Endophyte)

    Perennial Ryegrass (Remington PLUS NE2 Endophyte)

    Perennial Ryegrass is an extremely palatable cool season perennial forage source. While most perennial ryegrass lacks drought and heat tolerance, RemingtonPLUS, boasts improved ability to survive in hot and dry climates. The friendly endophyte associated with this ryegrass allows increased heat and drought tolerance. Perennial ryegrass is excellent quality forage and is a great option for grass finished livestock operations. 

    from $3.80 per lb

  • Annual Ryegrass (Ranahan) - Tetraploid

    Annual Ryegrass (Ranahan) - Tetraploid

    Annual ryegrass stands out as a captivating and remarkable grass within the realm of cover crops. It offers a plethora of advantages, including winter grazing, impressive yields, and an often underrated impact on breaking through compacted soils. Notably, tetraploid ryegrass boasts rapid establishment, extended and broader leaves, but that comes with a reduced cold tolerance when compared to its diploid annual ryegrass.

    from $1.00 per lb

  • Tall Fescue (Teton II)

    Tall Fescue (Teton II)

    Teton II Tall Fescue is a high yielding, endophyte-free tall fescue variety suited for a multitude of environments. This tall fescue is deep-rooted, medium maturity, with excellent heat and drought tolerance. Learn more about Teton II Tall Fescue here. 

    from $5.10 per lb

  • Sorghum Sudan (Short King BMR Dwarf PPS) Sorghum Sudan (Short King BMR Dwarf PPS)

    Sorghum Sudan (Short King BMR Dwarf PPS)

    Short King BMR Dwarf PPS Hybrid Sorghum Sudan is an excellent option for people south of I-70 and in dry climates due to its superior drought tolerance and aphid resistance. This sorghum sudan can be used for hay production or grazing. It will maintain dwarf stature until the photoperiod sensitivity is triggered, usually mid-September.

    from $1.85 per lb

  • Out of Stock
    Korean Lespedeza Korean Lespedeza

    Korean Lespedeza

    Out of stock

    Korean lespedeza is a low growing warm season annual legume known for it's ability to tolerate acidic and low fertility soil. They do most of their growing in the months of July and August. Though not high yielding, Korean lespedeza is very highly palatable and does not cause bloat. Annual lespedeza is a small seeded annual legume. Korean lespedeza can be frost seeded or drilled into pastures in midwinter or early spring, emerging in summer, or similarly seeded into a growing wheat crop for a hay or pasture crop after wheat harvest.

    Out of stock

    from $2.05 per lb

  • Timothy Grass (Carson)

    Timothy Grass (Carson)

    Timothy grass has excellent palatability while vegetative. It is an excellent species to use for hay, especially for horses. Though many varieties lack drought, heat, and grazing tolerance, Carson timothy is an improved variety and can be added to any cool season pasture. 

    from $3.20 per lb

  • Birdsfoot Trefoil (VNS) - OMRI Inoculated Birdsfoot Trefoil (VNS) - OMRI Inoculated

    Birdsfoot Trefoil (VNS) - OMRI Inoculated

    Birdsfoot Trefoil is a long lived perennial legume. This plant contains high levels of tannins, making it an excellent addition to pastures for grazing as there is no bloat risk that is common with other pasture legumes. The tannins also help neutralize the impact of grazing endophyte infected fescue. Birdsfoot Trefoil is not as productive when compared to alfalfa and is most commonly used in mixtures with other plants.

    from $7.35 per lb

  • Teff Grass (HayMaker) Teff Grass (HayMaker)

    Teff Grass (HayMaker)

    Teff makes a very palatable hay and is well accepted by all livestock types. Teff can be difficult to establish. It has a very tiny seed, much smaller than an alfalfa seed. It must be planted very shallow, about one-eighth of an inch deep, or seedlings will not emerge. Seedlings also need a week or so of moist soil to become established well enough to survive. This shouldn't be a problem with irrigation.

    from $2.45 per lb

  • Triticale (Forage FX 1001 Triticale) - PVP Triticale (Forage FX 1001 Triticale) - PVP

    Triticale (Forage FX 1001 Triticale) - PVP

    This product can only be shipped from our online store to NE, KS, OK, TX, WY, SD, MO, and IA. If you're in the Eastern ⅓ of CO, please call (402)469-6784 to order. Forage FX 1001 Triticale is a beardless, high yielding forage forage triticale which can produce great tonnage on dryland acres. Forage FX 1001 is also the most cold tolerant triticale we offer. The reduced awn expression makes this variety an excellent option for grazing or haying. With excellent forage yield potentials this variety gives you the tonnage and the quality you are looking for. Forage FX 1001 is known to produce high amounts of forage even in low rainfall environments such as the western Great Plains regions. 

    from $0.35 per lb

  • Festulolium (SugarCrest)

    Festulolium (SugarCrest)

    SugarCrest Festulolium is a perennial ryegrass crossed with meadow fescue. This grass exhibits superior forage quality, winter-hardiness, drought tolerance, and excellent seedling vigor. This is a great option for anyone looking for a high yielding, high quality forage. Learn more about SugarCrest Festulolium here. 

    from $7.10 per lb

  • Smooth Bromegrass Smooth Bromegrass

    Smooth Bromegrass

    Smooth brome is a productive, cool season grass with good drought tolerance. It has decent palatability though it is best grazed in a vegetative state. Smooth bromegrass is very aggressive, establishing quickly for a perennial and spreads through rhizomes, making a dense sod. This means it is great for waterways and holding soil on slopes but it can also dominate and even choke out other perennial species. For that reason, it should be used sparingly in pasture mixes, relying on other species which are more palatable and offer better regrowth, but using smooth brome to fill in.

    from $3.60 per lb

  • Aeschynomone (American Joint Vetch)

    Aeschynomone (American Joint Vetch)

    Aeschynomone, or American joint vetch, is a highly palatable warm season annual legume. Also known as deer vetch, joint vetch is particularly popular among food plot enthusiasts as it attracts wildlife such as whitetail, wild turkey, and bobwhite quail. American joint vetch not only provides excellent nutrition for large animals, but also excellent habitat for game birds. American joint vetch is an excellent way to add diversity to a mix and increase the nitrogen fixing capabilities. 

    from $7.55 per lb

  • Organic Jerry Spring Oats Organic Jerry Spring Oats

    Organic Jerry Spring Oats

    Note: This product is certified organic. Spring oats are an excellent choice for quick ground cover in the spring or fall. Rapid growth aids in stabilizing disturbed or bare soil from environmental conditions. Spring oats make a great addition to any spring grazing or forage mix providing ample tonnage for your livestock. Fall plantings commonly winterkill. Residue from oats suppress winter annuals and protect the soil throughout the winter and will decompose rapidly in the spring. Allelopathic chemicals released by the decomposing residue suppress weed germination for a few weeks. The high quality oat forage is more palatable than rye or wheat. Also, oat is less prone to insect problems than either wheat or barley. 

    from $0.45 per lb

  • Italian Ryegrass (Tetlia/Tetra Prime)

    Italian Ryegrass (Tetlia/Tetra Prime)

    Italian ryegrass is an excellent option for grazing. This high quality forage withstands close grazing which allows for total forage utilization. Italian ryegrass is generally considered a biennial. The Tetra Prime variety has improved winter hardiness along with excellent drought tolerance. 

    from $2.00 per lb

  • Forage Sorghum (Sorgrow D105 BMR MS)

    Forage Sorghum (Sorgrow D105 BMR MS)

    This medium maturing forage sorghum offers the BMR and male sterile traits. Excellent option for single cut harvested forage, or stockpile grazing. The male sterile trait will help ensure no pollination assuming there are no other sorghum, sorghum sudan, or sudan grass stands nearby. 

    from $2.30 per lb

  • Intermediate Wheatgrass

    Intermediate Wheatgrass

    Intermediate wheatgrass is probably the most productive of the western grasses, relatively equal to orchard grass, tall fescue, or smooth brome in yield potential, with much more drought tolerance. It is a strong bunchgrass and tends to lose quality upon maturity. 

    from $3.25 per lb

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