Browse our extensive lineup of monoculture cover crop seeds.
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Single Species Seed
Plantain (Boston)
Plantain is a low-growing forb that, like chicory, is high in minerals. It also contains a natural antibiotic compound that helps reduce infections and also modifies rumen fermentation to improve animal performance, similar to an ionophore like Rumensin. It grows very well on compacted soils and helps loosen them.
from $5.30 per lb
Chicory (Caliber)
Chicory is a deep rooted forb that goes great in many perennial pasture mixes. Because of its ability to reach many minerals in the soil, this is a highly nutritious grazing plant especially before it blooms with blue flowers. Chicory has natural deworming abilities adding to its benefits in perennial grazing systems where it should be seeded at a low rate for cattle but can be increased for sheep or other small ruminants.
from $26.23 per lb
Switchgrass (RC Big Rock)
RC Big Rock Switchgrass is a new late season variety of upland switchgrass developed from Cave-in-Rock. This is a native perennial warm season grass that is extremely productive, reaching 8 feet tall on the best soils of the Midwest. It also establishes faster than most native grasses because it has larger seeds with reduced dormancy and more seedling vigor. RC Big Rock can grow 2 ft tall in 2 months in the seeding year. This is a multi-purpose variety to be used for wildlife habitat, soil conservation, and forage throughout the greater Midwest where annual rainfall averages 30-50”.
from $16.55 per lb
Orchard Grass (Devour)
Orchardgrass is a bunchgrass that regrows well through the summer and fall compared to most cool season grasses. New varieties such as Devour are much more drought tolerant and less susceptible to rust. As a result these varieties can be used in the Central Plains with good success. Orchardgrass is commonly seen in the wetter climates of the Eastern US and is a favorite among horse owners.
from $3.55 per lb
Small Burnet
Small burnet is a deep-rooted forb that offers good grazing year round. This well establishing perennial can compete well with existing perennial stands. A great addition to perennial stand in more dry and arid environments.
from $5.35 per lb
Tall Fescue (Estancia) - Arkshield Coated
Estancia is an erect leaf tall fescue that works great for winter stockpiling and has excellent drought tolerance. This grass maintains superior quality throughout the winter, often holding over 14% protein and above 70% digestibility. This grass also provides excellent forage for the spring and fall and will not pose any problems with endophyte toxicity. The novel or “friendly” endophyte in Estancia allows the grass to maintain a high level of toughness, but will not be toxic to livestock.
from $4.10 per lb
Meadow Brome (Champaign)
Meadow brome is a bunchgrass resembling smooth brome but behaving more like orchard grass, only with more drought tolerance. Like orchard grass, it has good regrowth and is one of the better grasses for stockpiling in winter, though it is still distinctly inferior to fescue for that purpose.
from $4.55 per lb
Perennial Shortgrass Blend
A mix of Canada bluegrass, sheep fescue, creeping red fescue and chewing fescue, this mix offers a great blend of grasses for your lawn, garden, or any sort of perennial mix.
from $4.95 per lb
Perennial Ryegrass (Remington PLUS NE2 Endophyte)
Perennial Ryegrass is an extremely palatable cool season perennial forage source. While most perennial ryegrass lacks drought and heat tolerance, RemingtonPLUS, boasts improved ability to survive in hot and dry climates. The friendly endophyte associated with this ryegrass allows increased heat and drought tolerance. Perennial ryegrass is excellent quality forage and is a great option for grass finished livestock operations.
from $3.80 per lb
Tall Fescue (Teton II)
Teton II Tall Fescue is a high yielding, endophyte-free tall fescue variety suited for a multitude of environments. This tall fescue is deep-rooted, medium maturity, with excellent heat and drought tolerance. Learn more about Teton II Tall Fescue here.
from $5.10 per lb
Timothy Grass (Carson)
Timothy grass has excellent palatability while vegetative. It is an excellent species to use for hay, especially for horses. Though many varieties lack drought, heat, and grazing tolerance, Carson timothy is an improved variety and can be added to any cool season pasture.
from $3.20 per lb
Birdsfoot Trefoil (VNS) - OMRI Inoculated
Birdsfoot Trefoil is a long lived perennial legume. This plant contains high levels of tannins, making it an excellent addition to pastures for grazing as there is no bloat risk that is common with other pasture legumes. The tannins also help neutralize the impact of grazing endophyte infected fescue. Birdsfoot Trefoil is not as productive when compared to alfalfa and is most commonly used in mixtures with other plants.
from $7.35 per lb
Festulolium (SugarCrest)
SugarCrest Festulolium is a perennial ryegrass crossed with meadow fescue. This grass exhibits superior forage quality, winter-hardiness, drought tolerance, and excellent seedling vigor. This is a great option for anyone looking for a high yielding, high quality forage. Learn more about SugarCrest Festulolium here.
from $7.10 per lb
Smooth Bromegrass
Smooth brome is a productive, cool season grass with good drought tolerance. It has decent palatability though it is best grazed in a vegetative state. Smooth bromegrass is very aggressive, establishing quickly for a perennial and spreads through rhizomes, making a dense sod. This means it is great for waterways and holding soil on slopes but it can also dominate and even choke out other perennial species. For that reason, it should be used sparingly in pasture mixes, relying on other species which are more palatable and offer better regrowth, but using smooth brome to fill in.
from $3.60 per lb
Italian Ryegrass (Tetlia/Tetra Prime)
Italian ryegrass is an excellent option for grazing. This high quality forage withstands close grazing which allows for total forage utilization. Italian ryegrass is generally considered a biennial. The Tetra Prime variety has improved winter hardiness along with excellent drought tolerance.
from $2.00 per lb
Intermediate Wheatgrass
Intermediate wheatgrass is probably the most productive of the western grasses, relatively equal to orchard grass, tall fescue, or smooth brome in yield potential, with much more drought tolerance. It is a strong bunchgrass and tends to lose quality upon maturity.
from $3.25 per lb
Intermediate Ryegrass (TetraMag)
Tetramag intermediate ryegrass offers high forage tonnage with great feed value. This variety offers great tolerance. Use a stand alone grazing or haying forage or utilize in addition with alfalfa or clover to offer a diverse feed for livestock. Planting can be done with a drill or broadcast as long as good seed to soil contact is achieved.
from $2.05 per lb
Meadow Brome (Fleet)
Meadow brome is a bunchgrass resembling smooth brome but behaving more like orchard grass, only with more drought tolerance. Like orchard grass, it has good regrowth and is one of the better grasses for stockpiling in winter, though it is still distinctly inferior to fescue for that purpose.
from $4.05 per lb