Browse our extensive lineup of monoculture cover crop seeds.
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Single Species Seed
Sunn Hemp
Sunn hemp is an erect, tall growing legume with an anchoring tap root. The leaves are high in protein for grazing and especially popular with small ruminants like sheep, goats, and deer, but cattle will also eat the leaves. The stalk is very lignified making this a poor species to use in a hay mix.
from $1.90 per lb
Sweet Clover (Hubam White) - OMRI Inoculated
Hubam White Sweet Clover can produce up to 9,000 lbs dry matter per acre over a summer after being oversown into a grain crop or direct seeded with a spring grain nurse crop. While its taproot is shorter and more slender than that of its biennial cousins, it still loosens subsoil compaction. Annual sweetclovers work best in the Deep South, from Texas to Georgia as they are not frost tolerant. There, they establish more quickly than the biennial types and produce more biomass in the seeding year in southern regions.
from $3.80 per lb
White Mustard (White Gold)
Mustard produces significantly more glucosinolates than other brassicas, which biofumigates the soil during decomposition, proving to be toxic to many soil pathogens and pests. To best utilize these glucosinolates, mature green vegetation should be turned into the soil. In no-till operations you will still benefit from having this species for this use. When allowed enough growing season, yellow mustard stem residue can remain erect throughout the winter months, aid in capturing snow to help build moisture in the soil profile. Growing mustard in a potato rotation was observed to increase tuber quality and yields similar to that of chemically fumigated fields. Other documented effects of having mustard in your rotation is suppressing potato early dying and reduced root rot in pea rotations. Some customers are concerned that these mustards are difficult to control like their wild cousins but actually they can be easily terminated with many commonly utilized herbicides.
from $2.05 per lb
Perennial Shortgrass Blend
A mix of Canada bluegrass, sheep fescue, creeping red fescue and chewing fescue, this mix offers a great blend of grasses for your lawn, garden, or any sort of perennial mix.
from $4.90 per lb