Triticale (Forage FX 1001 Triticale) - PVP
This product can only be shipped from our online store to NE, KS, OK, TX, WY, SD, MO, and IA. If you're in the Eastern ⅓ of CO, please call (402)469-6784 to order. Forage FX 1001 Triticale is a beardless, high yielding forage forage triticale which can produce great tonnage on dryland acres. Forage FX 1001 is also the most cold tolerant triticale we offer. The reduced awn expression makes this variety an excellent option for grazing or haying. With excellent forage yield potentials this variety gives you the tonnage and the quality you are looking for. Forage FX 1001 is known to produce high amounts of forage even in low rainfall environments such as the western Great Plains regions.
from $0.35 per lb
Triticale (SY TF 813 Triticale) - PVP
This product cannot be shipped to AZ or CA. 813 is a winter triticale variety adapted to the Southern and Central Great Plains. This triticale is awnletted meaning it has very short beards. 813 is a medium maturity, rust and wheat streak mosaic tolerant variety. It should be used for forage production and is known for excellent silage yields.
from $0.33 per lb
Turnip (Purple Top)
Purple top turnips have been a staple grazing brassica for many years and are commonly used in late summer planted grazing mixes, often with a cool season cereal. Turnip bulbs are storehouses of nutrition and energy and are very valuable to winter grazers.
from $1.45 per lb
View Blocker
Is there a perfect place for food plot where you hunt but it’s visible from the road or a neighboring property? The View Blocker blend is expertly crafted to establish a tall annual screen that obscures your food plots. This blend features four varieties of sorghum, ranging from a sturdy 5-foot dwarf type to Egyptian Wheat and long-season forage sorghum, which can reach heights of 10 to 12 feet. The shorter, robust species provide essential support for the taller varieties during the cold winter months. The carefully balanced ratio of species in this mix is designed to maintain an effective screen well into winter and spring. In addition to creating a dense barrier, View Blocker generates abundant biomass while enhancing soil health. Note: This product does contain some treated seed. This product is pre-inoculated with the Green Boost 2.0 Biology Package, so you can reduce your fertilizer usage. Green Boost 2.0 includes: MycoGreen NPK is a dual inoculant containing ten functionally diverse mycorrhizal fungi and eight bacterial species. Elevate'd Fungi is a seed applied inoculant derived from natural products designed to stimulate seed germination, increase root and biological biomass in the soil, and improve soil structure. RhizoBac X-Tend features high concentrations of multi-species nitrogen fixing rhizobia for peas, vetch, cowpeas, sunn hemp and soybeans. Additionally, free living nitrogen fixing and phosphorus solubilizing bacteria combine for a robust broad spectrum seed treatment for your cover crops. Healthier and more vigorous plants will lead to healthier animals and bigger antlers!
from $37.00
Warm Season Grazing Mix
Featuring 12 of the most popular warm season cover crops, the Warm Season Grazing mix will be a hit for your livestock - both above the ground and below. Mung beans and soybeans provide the nitrogen to power the mix while the millets and BMR sorghum sudan provide lots of tons of high quality forage. Highly palatable collards and turnips along with high energy buckwheat, sunflowers and okra round out this very diverse and versatile grazing mix. These seeds are non-GMO and not treated with pesticides. This product is pre-inoculated with Elevate'd Fungi and RhizoBac X-Tend, to increase the biological activity in your soil. Elevate'd Fungi is a seed applied inoculant derived from natural products designed to stimulate seed germination, increase root and biological biomass in the soil, and improve soil structure. This product is OMRI approved.* RhizoBac X-Tend features high concentrations of multi-species nitrogen fixing rhizobia for peas, vetch, cowpeas, sunn hemp and soybeans. Additionally, free living nitrogen fixing and phosphorus solubilizing bacteria combine for a robust broad spectrum seed treatment for your cover crops. We use Elevate’d Fungi as the liquid carrier for this dry inoculant to ensure proper coating on every seed for every mix. This product is OMRI approved.* *OMRI Certificates: OMRI Certificate for Elevate'd Fungi; OMRI Certificate for RhizoBac X-Tend
from $1.43 per lb
Warm Season Pollinator
Our Warm Season Pollinator Mix includes over 20 flowering plants to attract beneficial insects. For every yield-robbing pest, there are 1,700 other insects that are beneficial. This diverse mix is designed to attract those insects and serve as an excellent food source throughout the summer. The variety of different colors in flowers will attract many different insects benefiting both the plant and soil. This unique blend of native flowers, annual grains ad flowering brassicas will flower all summer long. If you were to promote life in your field by importing thousands of new inhabitants, this mix is for you! These seeds are non-GMO and not treated with pesticides. This product is pre-inoculated with Elevate'd Fungi and RhizoBac X-Tend, to increase the biological activity in your soil. Elevate'd Fungi is a seed applied inoculant derived from natural products designed to stimulate seed germination, increase root and biological biomass in the soil, and improve soil structure. This product is OMRI approved.* RhizoBac X-Tend features high concentrations of multi-species nitrogen fixing rhizobia for peas, vetch, cowpeas, sunn hemp and soybeans. Additionally, free living nitrogen fixing and phosphorus solubilizing bacteria combine for a robust broad spectrum seed treatment for your cover crops. We use Elevate’d Fungi as the liquid carrier for this dry inoculant to ensure proper coating on every seed for every mix. This product is OMRI approved.* *OMRI Certificates: OMRI Certificate for Elevate'd Fungi; OMRI Certificate for RhizoBac X-Tend
from $1.97 per lb
Warm Season Sheep/Goat Grazing Mix
Your sheep and goats are sure to love this Warm Season Sheep/Goat Grazing Mix designed just for them. With small ruminants in mind, we've create a grazing mix with ingredients that are not only highly palatable, but also highly nutritious. This grazing mix also features dwarf varieties of sorghum sudan ensuring the crop doesn't get too tall for the smaller animals and they can utilize the forage much easier. These seeds are non-GMO and not treated with pesticides. This product is pre-inoculated with Elevate'd Fungi and RhizoBac X-Tend, to increase the biological activity in your soil. Elevate'd Fungi is a seed applied inoculant derived from natural products designed to stimulate seed germination, increase root and biological biomass in the soil, and improve soil structure. This product is OMRI approved.* RhizoBac X-Tend features high concentrations of multi-species nitrogen fixing rhizobia for peas, vetch, cowpeas, sunn hemp and soybeans. Additionally, free living nitrogen fixing and phosphorus solubilizing bacteria combine for a robust broad spectrum seed treatment for your cover crops. We use Elevate’d Fungi as the liquid carrier for this dry inoculant to ensure proper coating on every seed for every mix. This product is OMRI approved.* *OMRI Certificates: OMRI Certificate for Elevate'd Fungi; OMRI Certificate for RhizoBac X-Tend
from $2.00 per lb
Warm Season Soil Builder
Our Warm Season Soil Builder Mix includes over 14 different species designed for improving organic matter and controlling weeds. This diverse blend of legumes, grasses, brassicas, and broadleaves all work in synergy to build soil. Legumes convert nitrogen in the atmosphere and make it available to other plants while prolific grassroots improve soil aggregation and water infiltration. Brassicas are excellent scavengers of nutrients unavailable to other plants. Broadleaves offer a deep taproot to break up compaction and attract beneficial insects with their flowers. This combination leaves no room for weeds to grow, keeping your fields clear for your next crop. If you want to improve the quality of your soil, this mix if for you! These seeds are non-GMO and not treated with pesticides. This product is pre-inoculated with Elevate'd Fungi and RhizoBac X-Tend, to increase the biological activity in your soil. Elevate'd Fungi is a seed applied inoculant derived from natural products designed to stimulate seed germination, increase root and biological biomass in the soil, and improve soil structure. This product is OMRI approved.* RhizoBac X-Tend features high concentrations of multi-species nitrogen fixing rhizobia for peas, vetch, cowpeas, sunn hemp and soybeans. Additionally, free living nitrogen fixing and phosphorus solubilizing bacteria combine for a robust broad spectrum seed treatment for your cover crops. We use Elevate’d Fungi as the liquid carrier for this dry inoculant to ensure proper coating on every seed for every mix. This product is OMRI approved.* *OMRI Certificates: OMRI Certificate for Elevate'd Fungi; OMRI Certificate for RhizoBac X-Tend
from $1.40 per lb
White Clover (Stamina Intermediate) - OMRI Inoculated
White Clover is an excellent choice for a perennial clover. The Stamina variety was developed to be more heat and drought tolerant than most other white clovers. Being a legume this plant can cause bloat, but rarely when it is in a mix with grasses. White clover is also a great choice for areas that have saturated soils.
from $6.06 per lb
White Mustard (White Gold)
Mustard produces significantly more glucosinolates than other brassicas, which biofumigates the soil during decomposition, proving to be toxic to many soil pathogens and pests. To best utilize these glucosinolates, mature green vegetation should be turned into the soil. In no-till operations you will still benefit from having this species for this use. When allowed enough growing season, yellow mustard stem residue can remain erect throughout the winter months, aid in capturing snow to help build moisture in the soil profile. Growing mustard in a potato rotation was observed to increase tuber quality and yields similar to that of chemically fumigated fields. Other documented effects of having mustard in your rotation is suppressing potato early dying and reduced root rot in pea rotations. Some customers are concerned that these mustards are difficult to control like their wild cousins but actually they can be easily terminated with many commonly utilized herbicides.
from $2.50 per lb
Winter Camelina
Winter Camelina is the most cold tolerant brassica with the ability to overwinter in most areas. This brassica grows a small rosette in the fall and then grows upright after winter dormancy. This is a good brassica to add to later planted fall mixes in cases after fall harvested cash crops. Camelina can be a great addition ahead of spring cash crops with its ability to scavenge nitrogen and phosphorus.
from $2.38 per lb
Winter Lentil (Morton)
Winter lentils are a lesser used species but offer several benefits. Lentils are relatively low growing and modest in their growth however, they consistently overwinter in Zone 5B where winter temperatures can drop below -25 degrees F. Winter lentils can be added with winter cereals and other winter legumes to have a more diverse overwintering cover crop.
from $1.00 per lb
Winter Soil Armor
Winter Soil Armor is a simple mix of rye, hairy vetch, and rapeseed, three different species from three different plant families all designed to keep your soil locked in and prevent erosion during the fall, winter, and early spring months. This mix could be planted 4-6 weeks before your average frost date all the way through to mid to late October. These three species are the most cold tolerant cover crops of their family and the rye and vetch will likely survive even the harshest winters. These seeds are non-GMO and not treated with pesticides. This product is pre-inoculated with Elevate'd Fungi and RhizoBac X-Tend, to increase the biological activity in your soil. Elevate'd Fungi is a seed applied inoculant derived from natural products designed to stimulate seed germination, increase root and biological biomass in the soil, and improve soil structure. This product is OMRI approved.* RhizoBac X-Tend features high concentrations of multi-species nitrogen fixing rhizobia for peas, vetch, cowpeas, sunn hemp and soybeans. Additionally, free living nitrogen fixing and phosphorus solubilizing bacteria combine for a robust broad spectrum seed treatment for your cover crops. We use Elevate’d Fungi as the liquid carrier for this dry inoculant to ensure proper coating on every seed for every mix. This product is OMRI approved.* *OMRI Certificates: OMRI Certificate for Elevate'd Fungi; OMRI Certificate for RhizoBac X-Tend
from $0.53 per lb
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