Application Recommendations
- Seed Applied: 5oz/cwt
- In furrow or foliar: 2 gallons/acre
Elevate'd Fungi is a microbial inoculant and fertilizer to promote plant growth
Elevate'd Fungi will...
- Supplies beneficial microorganisms to soils and growing media
- Encourages vigorous root growth
- Allows plants to more effectively utilize nutrients
- Improves soil structure and porosity – creating a better plant root environment
- Improves moisture infiltration rates - reducing erosion and runoff
- Improves moisture holding capacity of light soils – reducing water loss and nutrient leaching, and improving moisture retention
- Improves the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of soils
- Supplies organic matter
- Aids the proliferation of soil microorganisms.
Elevate'd Fungi introduces more than 90 different beneficial fungal species into an
ecosystem to promote diversity of function and reach optimal benefit. These mycorrhizal
and saprophytic fungal components work in a symbiotic relationship with other organisms to enhance the overall root system.
A larger, healthier root system will allow plants access to water and nutrients beyond the
root zone and then deliver those nutrients to the plant via the common mycorrhizal and
saprophytic networks. This exchange allows the plant to utilize nutrients like Nitrogen and
Phosphorus more efficiently, retain more water and increase the overall health and
heartiness of the plant.