Green Beans, Black Beans, Spring Forage Pea, Keystone Winter Pea, Iron and Clay Cowpeas, Mung Beans, Balady Berseem Clover, Hubam Sweet Clover, Mancan Buckwheat, Okra, Black Oil Sunflower, Russian Mammoth Sunflower, Phacelia, Flax, Purple Top Turnip, Pink Celebration Radish, Crimson Giant Radish, Nitro Radish, Collards, Brown Mustard, Arugula, Swiss Chard, Spinach, Pie Pumpkins, Decorative Gourd Mix, Butternut Squash, White Scallop Squash, Payroll Squash, Early King Pumpkin, Gold Star Squash, Watermelon Blend, Squash Blend, Melon Blend, Cucumber Blend, Showy Flower Blend, Elevate'd Fungi, Warm Season RhizoFixer, MycoGreen NPK.
Milpa seed ingredients are subject to change without notice based on seed availability.
Planting Instructions
If you’re broadcasting by hand, plant your corn in mounds or rows. When it is at the V3 stage (three leaves showing), hand broadcast the rest of the Milpa seed.
If you’re using a drill, plant 4-6 rows of corn and then plant the Milpa garden right next to both sides of these strips so that the Milpa seeds will eventually grow over into the corn and still have some of the benefits of diversity. Using a corn planter is best to have proper spacing of the corn plants, but use whatever equipment is available to you to get the corn in the ground at a depth of approximately 1.25 - 1.5 inches deep.
— OR —
Plant the corn in rows. When it is at the V3 stage (three leaves showing), interseed a partial rate (25-50%) of the Milpa seed in between the corn rows. This gives the corn enough of a head start, but still gives the benefits of the diversity of the Milpa as they all grow together.