Grain Sorghum (Food Plot)
Grain sorghum provides an excellent opportunity for feeding wildlife. The grain heads, which mature in late summer to early fall will attract the wildlife species and provide superior nutrition. Grain sorghum is an excellent option for upland birds in particular.
from $3.05 per lb
Orchard Grass (Devour)
Orchardgrass is a bunchgrass that regrows well through the summer and fall compared to most cool season grasses. New varieties such as Devour are much more drought tolerant and less susceptible to rust. As a result these varieties can be used in the Central Plains with good success. Orchardgrass is commonly seen in the wetter climates of the Eastern US and is a favorite among horse owners.
from $3.55 per lb
Timothy Grass (Carson)
Timothy grass has excellent palatability while vegetative. It is an excellent species to use for hay, especially for horses. Though many varieties lack drought, heat, and grazing tolerance, Carson timothy is an improved variety and can be added to any cool season pasture.
from $3.20 per lb
Teff Grass (HayMaker)
Teff makes a very palatable hay and is well accepted by all livestock types. Teff can be difficult to establish. It has a very tiny seed, much smaller than an alfalfa seed. It must be planted very shallow, about one-eighth of an inch deep, or seedlings will not emerge. Seedlings also need a week or so of moist soil to become established well enough to survive. This shouldn't be a problem with irrigation.
from $2.45 per lb