Black Oats (Cosaque)
Cosaque black oats offer several advantages over traditional oats, including superior nutritional value, digestibility, palatability, and a robust tillering capacity. They exhibit forage yields comparable to cereal rye and demonstrate good winter hardiness, often serving as a winter annual crop in southern regions. Notably, these oats thrive even in low-quality soils, contributing to soil restoration and enrichment due to their exceptional root system. A great fall grazing option across the U.S. and a great overwintering grass as you get south of Interstate-70.
from $0.35 per lb
Spring Oats (Rushmore)
Spring oats are an excellent choice for quick ground cover in the spring or fall. Rapid growth aids in stabilizing disturbed or bare soil from environmental conditions. Spring oats make a great addition to any spring grazing or forage mix providing ample tonnage for your livestock. Oats can be easily chemically terminated and fall plantings commonly winterkill. Residue from oats suppress winter annuals and protect the soil throughout the winter and will decompose rapidly in the spring. Allelopathic chemicals released by the decomposing residue suppress weed germination for a few weeks. The high quality oat forage is more palatable than rye or wheat. Also, oat is less prone to insect problems than either wheat or barley.
from $0.32 per lb
Spring Forage Barley (Lavina) - Beardless
Barley has relatively low water usage compared to other cover crop species, especially during earlier growth stages. Under poor fertility conditions, barley would be a good choice and can help render P & K available for your next crop. Barley provides a good feed quality grain that can be harvested 2-3 weeks earlier than wheat which then allows your double crop/cover to be planted sooner.
from $0.32 per lb
- Out of Stock
Winter Wheat (GA Gore Soft Red) - Beardless
The soft red winter wheat, an awnless variety, stands at a medium height with its moderate-strength straw. Its resistance to diseases and pests makes it a nice option as a winter cover crop for grazing, weed suppression, and erosion control.
from $0.32 per lb
Pearl Millet (Exceed BMR)
Pearl millet is among the best grazing or haying millet varieties. Exceed BMR Pearl Millet also offers the BMR trait allowing the animal to better digest the plant for optimal nutritional efficiency to the animal. Pearl millet is very adaptable to its growing environment with great tillering allowing for more forage and better ground coverage with less seed.
from $2.40 per lb
Sorghum Sudan (Endurance Aphid Tolerant BMR Dwarf)
Endurance aphid tolerant BMR dwarf sorghum sudan is bred for short stature and high digestibility. Don't mistake shorter stature for less biomass, though. The dwarf trait simply shortens the length in between the leaves, called the internode length, while still growing the same number of leaves. The shorter plant makes it easier for livestock to graze and utilize efficiently.
from $1.65 per lb
Meadow Brome (Champaign)
Meadow brome is a bunchgrass resembling smooth brome but behaving more like orchard grass, only with more drought tolerance. Like orchard grass, it has good regrowth and is one of the better grasses for stockpiling in winter, though it is still distinctly inferior to fescue for that purpose.
from $4.55 per lb
Annual Ryegrass (Centurion) - Diploid
Extending the grazing season while protecting and building the soil is a great benefit of this species. The biomass N content can range from 1.3-2.4% and varies depending on the amount of residual N left from the previous crop. Reports of annual ryegrass having the potential to scavenge up to 200 lbs of residual N/A/yr have been recorded. Ryegrass can be very successfully broadcast into established row crops. Winter killed ryegrass can still provide weed suppression, soil protection and trap residual N until spring. Ryegrass attracts very few pest insects that could pester the next crop. With lower needed seeding rates per acre means you will spend less of freight an your applicator can remain in the drill or in the air longer. I like the deep roots of annual ryegrass but when considering it for more northern area, it must be established prior to hard freezing in order to have the best chance of winter survival.
from $1.00 per lb
Winter Barley (P919) - Beardless
Barley has relatively low water usage compared to other cover crop species, especially during earlier growth stages. Under poor fertility conditions, barley would be a good choice and can help render P & K available for your next crop. Barley provides a good feed quality grain that can be harvested 2-3 weeks earlier than wheat which then allows your double crop/cover to be planted sooner. Compared to oats, barley produces more tillers and vegetation that will remain erect longer after termination. Carbohydrates known as monosaccharides are excrete through the roots to feed the soil biology and barley has been observed to release more monosaccharides than even alfalfa.
from $0.40 per lb
Sorghum Sudan (Cattle Cover BMR MS)
Cattle Cover offers game-changing combination of agronomics and yield. High digestibility, great palatability, and strong disease package for overall good producibility. First-in-class sugarcane aphid tolerance. Agronomics and maturity makes it a strong hybrid for hay production and grazing. Being a male sterile it can be used where you do not want the possibility of volunteering.
from $1.70 per lb
Annual Ryegrass (Ranahan) - Tetraploid
Annual ryegrass stands out as a captivating and remarkable grass within the realm of cover crops. It offers a plethora of advantages, including winter grazing, impressive yields, and an often underrated impact on breaking through compacted soils. Notably, tetraploid ryegrass boasts rapid establishment, extended and broader leaves, but that comes with a reduced cold tolerance when compared to its diploid annual ryegrass.
from $1.00 per lb
Sorghum Sudan (Short King BMR Dwarf PPS)
Short King BMR Dwarf PPS Hybrid Sorghum Sudan is an excellent option for people south of I-70 and in dry climates due to its superior drought tolerance and aphid resistance. This sorghum sudan can be used for hay production or grazing. It will maintain dwarf stature until the photoperiod sensitivity is triggered, usually mid-September.
from $1.85 per lb
Timothy Grass (Carson)
Timothy grass has excellent palatability while vegetative. It is an excellent species to use for hay, especially for horses. Though many varieties lack drought, heat, and grazing tolerance, Carson timothy is an improved variety and can be added to any cool season pasture.
from $3.20 per lb
Festulolium (SugarCrest)
SugarCrest Festulolium is a perennial ryegrass crossed with meadow fescue. This grass exhibits superior forage quality, winter-hardiness, drought tolerance, and excellent seedling vigor. This is a great option for anyone looking for a high yielding, high quality forage. Learn more about SugarCrest Festulolium here.
from $7.10 per lb
Organic Jerry Spring Oats
Note: This product is certified organic. Spring oats are an excellent choice for quick ground cover in the spring or fall. Rapid growth aids in stabilizing disturbed or bare soil from environmental conditions. Spring oats make a great addition to any spring grazing or forage mix providing ample tonnage for your livestock. Fall plantings commonly winterkill. Residue from oats suppress winter annuals and protect the soil throughout the winter and will decompose rapidly in the spring. Allelopathic chemicals released by the decomposing residue suppress weed germination for a few weeks. The high quality oat forage is more palatable than rye or wheat. Also, oat is less prone to insect problems than either wheat or barley.
from $0.45 per lb
Intermediate Wheatgrass
Intermediate wheatgrass is probably the most productive of the western grasses, relatively equal to orchard grass, tall fescue, or smooth brome in yield potential, with much more drought tolerance. It is a strong bunchgrass and tends to lose quality upon maturity.
from $3.25 per lb
Meadow Brome (Fleet)
Meadow brome is a bunchgrass resembling smooth brome but behaving more like orchard grass, only with more drought tolerance. Like orchard grass, it has good regrowth and is one of the better grasses for stockpiling in winter, though it is still distinctly inferior to fescue for that purpose.
from $4.05 per lb
Spring Oats (Everleaf Falcon) - Certified
Everleaf Falcon spring oats are an improved variety of oats. Delayed heading and improved leaf density make this an excellent option for forage. These oats resist lodging, produce excellent tonnage, and provide high quality forage. The seeds are much darker than most oat varieties, maturing as a medium to dark brown seed. Everleaf Falcon oats should be used for grazing or any type of harvested forage.
from $0.35 per lb
- Out of Stock
Organic Rushmore Spring Oats (Certified)
Note: This product is certified organic. Spring oats are an excellent choice for quick ground cover in the spring or fall. Rapid growth aids in stabilizing disturbed or bare soil from environmental conditions. Spring oats make a great addition to any spring grazing or forage mix providing ample tonnage for your livestock. Oats can be easily chemically terminated and fall plantings commonly winterkill. Residue from oats suppress winter annuals and protect the soil throughout the winter and will decompose rapidly in the spring. Allelopathic chemicals released by the decomposing residue suppress weed germination for a few weeks. The high quality oat forage is more palatable than rye or wheat. Also, oat is less prone to insect problems than either wheat or barley.
from $0.50 per lb